5 mailing blogs worth visiting

There is still no place that is widely considered an email marketing encyclopedia. It is worth learning from various sources - I will present you 5 mailing blogs.

Although the world's first email marketing was launched in 1978, there is still no place on the Internet that could be considered a mailing textbook.

There is no compendium of knowledge about mailing, so in today's post I would like to introduce you to 5 such places. Mailing blogs from which you can learn "what and how".

Here I decided to omit all portals providing email marketing tools, due to the fact that they often propose/sell solutions typically related to their services, and this does not sound objective; P


The name of the portal leaves no doubts what its creators do. You may also know them from the "I love marketing" conference they organize.

Regarding thethe topic, however, they run a blog with the category "Email marketing" that you should check.

Even though the last two entries in this category are more than 3 years apart (!), most topics discussed here do not change dynamically and are still viable

Another advantage is that it is the largest and oldest (or if you prefer - the most experienced) blog from the list.


By far the most specialized blog in the list.
Only for email marketing!

This is what the company of its creators does.
Although it is the youngest blog in the list, the number of articles on email
marketing is second only to the blog mentioned above. From the beginning of
this blog, so far there has been only one month without a new entry (as of
September 2021).

The number of entries and their timeliness
make you believe that it is worth adding it to your list of watched content.


Mateusz is an experienced content creator and marketer - he knows what good mailing needs. On his blog, he explains the concepts and rules of mailing from scratch.

I recommend it especially at the beginning of your journey, especially because one evening is enough to read all the articles.

Briefly, succinctly and clearly.


Although this is not my favorite mailing blog, it provides interesting content, especially due to its dictionary of terms (an example here), which can be really helpful for a person just entering the topic. The authors are also not the most prolific bloggers on the list, however, they cannot be accused of lack of regularity. Each year they release two articles in the mailing category.

And if you don't like their blog, well ... you can always copy the dictionary and go to the next one;)


Maybe this is not the most objective position, but when making this statement, it is impossible not to recommend our blog. Although it is a very young blog, it already occupies the position of the only blog that allows you to send the first newsletter / mailing step by step on various platforms, and we are still far from saying the last word.

None of the above-mentioned blogs is characterized by such a pace of creating subsequent entries, and certainly none of them has such a comparison of mailing platforms as ours :)

Or maybe something else?

It is really difficult to find blogs on similar topics on the Polish Internet, making a list of only five, I had to spend a lot of time searching. The topic is quite niche ... but maybe this is an idea for another article?

Or for foreign blogs?

But before this article comes out, as always, I wish you and your mailing / newsletter all the best…

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